A message of the WANS President - Miguel A. Arraez

Dear friends of the WANS:
I hope this mail will find you in good health about to start some leave for Christmas holidays, wishing
you all a great @me with your family and friends. Less than one month ago we enjoyed the Cape Town
WANS mee@ng wonderfully organized by Graham Fieggen (thank you, Graham!) plenty of science and
friendship, the two magic words of the WANS. We are preparing the next WANS mee@ng, to be held in
Malaga (Spain) on May 11-12, 2024. The venue will be the GRAN HOTEL MIRAMAR
(https://www.granhotelmiramarmalaga.com/en/), a very special place at the seaside and also at the city
center. Malaga is a cosmopolitan place with a very rich social and cultural life and we are sure you will
enjoy your stay. We are preparing a variety of tours including the neighbor ci@es of Cordoba and
Granada among other leisure ac@vi@es. The annual mee@ng of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery will
be held in Malaga the days before (May 8-10). WANS member will be very welcome (please let me know
if you want to par@cipate in this mee@ng too as Faculty. Accommoda@on and registra@on will be waived
but confirma@on is needed before February).
Finally, please keep in mind some obliga@on of the members (par@cipa@on in the vo@ng process of new
members -now through the website- and aXendance to WANS mee@ngs/payment of membership fee to
keep the condi@on of WANS member, lost a[er two consecu@ve periods of absence/not payment).
Regarding the acceptance of new members, in Cape Town was approved the procedure from 2024
(announcement of vacancies a[er the year mee@ng and then submission of proposals. Proposals sent in
advance without vacancies will not be accepted).
With my very best wishes of friendship and neurosurgical science,

Miguel A. Arraez
President, World Academy of Neurological Surgery