The sixth biennial meeting: Athens-Greece, 2016
The sixth biennial meeting of WANS was organized by Prof Damianos Sakas in Athens Greece on September 1-4, 2016. Thirty-nine Academicians and seven non-members participated in the meeting. The program started with the gathering of the Academicians for the opening reception at Astir Palace Westin Hotel September 1st, 2016 at 9:00 PM. In the morning of Friday September 2nd, 2016 all academicians and their spouses visited the Acropolis museum. All participants were mesmerized by the spectacular Museum. The lunch was taken at the same place. After the lunch at 3:30PM all academicians returned to the hotel for the beginning of the scientific program. The first two scientific sessions were joint sessions of WANS with the Helenic Neurosurgical Society. Therefore; seven Greek Academic Neurosurgeons gave their lectures. At 8:00 PM all Academicians and their spouses gathered at a Mediterranean fish restaurant for dinner. Saturday September 3rd 2017 was dedicated to WANS-member presentations. Twenty-eight high quality presentations were given by Academicians and intensive discussions followed. The General Assembly gathered on the same day at 5:30 PM. At the General Assembly the constitutional change was voted and accepted, six new WANS members were introduced (Dr H Duffau, Dr T Santarius, Dr A Ekl-Azhari, Dr Z Gökaslan, Dr L Rasulic, Dr JGT Corzo, Dr N Akalan, Dr F Boop), future sites for WANS meetings were voted and decided (2018 Prague, 2019 Mumbai, 2020 Brazil) and new officers were announced: Dr MN Pamir (president), Dr M Arraez (secretary-treasurer), Dr E Knosp(past president). Dr W Couldwell was proposed as president-elect and this proposal was sent to all members for voting. Dr G Teasdale was proposed, voted and accepted as an Honorary Member of the Academy. Dr J Popp proposal for a donation for Syrian Refugee’s was voted and accepted. At 8PM the Gala dinner took place at the same hotel. During the gala dinner, the 2016 Golden Neuron Award was presented to Dr O Al-Mefty. On the morning of Sunday, September 4th, 2016, Dr E Knosp gave the presidential lecture and 11 scientific presentations were given. At 1:00 PM the meeting was concluded.